We all love them, battle them, and try to catch ’em all! Pokemon is a long standing love for many gamers throughout the world. Some of us started with different generations of them, but the connection is all the same. I’ve been playing Pokemon since they first came stateside. I remember it being Christmas and me and my brother both got this new game system and game from Santa Claus. He got the Red version and I the Blue. For the remainder of that glorious day that was all we did. We played for hours, compared our journeys, and set out to be the best there ever was. And my bond with the series has continued ever since. I’ve played every generation and just about variation as well. I am well versed in the lands of Pokedom. In comes the nuzlocke.

The Nuzlocke is a vicious challenge for veterans of the series. You follow a set of rules that dictate a much different Pokemon experience than ever before. The core rules are as stated.

  • Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released or put in the Pokémon Storage System permanently.
  • The player may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances. If the first encounter in the area is a Double Battle in dark grass, the player may choose which of the two Pokémon they would like to catch.
  • While not exactly a definite rule, the general consensus is that players must also nickname all of their Pokémon, for the sake of forming stronger emotional bonds.
  • Also not a definite rule, but the general consensus is that a black out/white out is considered to be “game over”, even if there are Pokémon left in the PC.

My Own specific rules I am using:

  • No duplicates of any sort. If I run into the first Pokemon of an area then it doesn’t count towards my encounter. Also if I catch lets say a Spearow and it dies, no Pokemon of the same evolutionary line may be used either.  So Spearow dies, then no replacement Spearow or Fearow is allowed.
  • No legendaries to be caught or used.
  • No grinding anywhere above 5 levels above the next gym leader with any Pokemon. Also underleveled Pokemon may be grinded up to within 5 levels of highest Pokemon but not past.
  • I’m using switch rather than set because it’s my preference.
  • Caves and towers have multiple floors so I separate their encounters as such. However Safari zone only gets one.
  • Towns all have encounters too so gift Pokemon go towards that.
  • Trading is only allowed to evolve Pokemon required to ascend that way: example: Machoke into Machamp.
  • If necessary to proceed through the story I will catch an HM user to make it through. They are not allowed in battle and do not count towards my team and must be released as soon as possible.

And that is pretty much it. Add like a bunch of other rules that make it more your own run and you have a nuzlocke! So I have tried and failed to complete a HeartGold Nuzlocke on several occasions. So this time with the 7th generation coming soon I figured what better way to ring it in then with some old fashioned nuzlocking. I put a game from each generation in a poll and let the people vote on which game to play. It ended up being a close battle but in the end the victor was Pokemon Platinum. So come along and follow me on the journey with my friends as we attempt to take the championship with our very lives at stake!

Pokemon Platinum:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5